Caffeine. Alcohol. Marijuana. Natural supplements like melatonin or valerian, kava or ginseng. If so many people use one or more of these substances for years, what could be the possible harm of using them during psychiatric drug withdrawal?
ICI Contributor Cindy Olejar interviews Kelly Davis about her experiences of brain injury, psychiatric drug withdrawal, and healing through shared stories and art.
England's All Party Parliamentary Group for Prescribed Drug Dependence announced the release of a systematic review looking at issues of physical dependence and withdrawal from the psychiatric drugs commonly called “antidepressants”.
ICI Executive Director Laura Delano discusses taking and coming off psychiatric drugs, along with the work of Inner Compass Initiative and ICI's Inner Compass Initiative, on Mad in America Radio.
The New York Times' mention of Inner Compass Initiative's Inner Compass Initiative has set off a whirlwind of activity, interest, and awareness for our organization and its many resources.