Woman sitting in a green chair with a dog

Katrina Brewer

Communications and Operations

Katrina holds a BA in English from Connecticut College, and has continued her interest in nonfiction writing with classes at The New School in New York City and the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, MA. 

She has a passion for health and wellness, and works as a fitness instructor outside of New York City. Having experienced both the physical and emotional benefits of exercise in her own personal life, she has come to view the medication-focused mental health system as deficient in truly treating and supporting the psychological issues for which people seek out help. She instead believes in a more holistic and comprehensive approach to these problems, and hopes to work toward this vision through her work with ICI.

Katrina comes to the organization with her own personal battle with psychiatric drugs. After years of antidepressants, she stumbled upon Robert Whitaker’s Anatomy of an Epidemic, which resonated deeply with her, and seemed to explain the ongoing discontent and problems she experienced with multiple medications throughout the years. Through her ongoing research into the issues surrounding these drugs, she was fortunate to connect with Laura Delano, and through her, a network of like-minded individuals working toward the common goal of transforming our current mental health system.